What is Sacramento Biofuels Network? (Update)
Sacramento Biofuels Network, SBN, was formed to assist people in implementing energy options beyond dependency on nonrenewable petroleum starting with establishing local access to commercial quality biodiesel in the
SBN services include biodiesel consumer education, organizing Buyers Groups and coordinating bulk biodiesel delivery for a variety of network members. The network is currently made up of biodiesel bulk purchasers, called Supply Sites, who purchase pure commercial quality biodiesel (B100) in bulk through SBN utilizing suitable above ground bulk containers, usually 250 to 2000 gallon, to store and dispense the fuel.
The two basic types of SBN Supply Sites are:
Independent Supply Sites, who purchase biodiesel in bulk for their own in-house or personal needs including agricultural, commercial and institutional organizations and fleets.
Buyers Group Supply Sites, where a Site Host provides space for storing and dispensing a bulk quantity of biodiesel to share with friends or other individual buyers who become members of that Supply Site. All Buyers Group members must read and sign a site specific version of a Biodiesel Buyers Agreement (sample provided by SBN) to be a member and purchase the biodiesel from that site cooperatively.
The Buyers Group Supply Sites are organized like the Community Supported Agriculture model which we call Community Supported Energy, CSE. This CSE distribution model is an effective way to bring individual consumers together to exchange information, develop mutual interests and to utilize their collective purchasing power for choices in fuel access, bulk pricing and related cooperative consumer benefits.