Thursday, November 15, 2007

SBN Biodiesel Buying Priorities

When SBN orders biodiesel for the supply sites, the following are the priorities used.

SBN Biodiesel Buying Priorities (in order of priority)

1. Quality verification- All suppliers must show astm certification or better to verify fuel quality from the manufacturer.

2. Locally produced and/or grown- Form relationships with growers, manufacturers, and distributors as local as possible.

3. Support practices of sustainability - Form relationships with growers, manufacturers, and distributors that support practices of ecological sustainability such as: utilizing waste oil feedstock before virgin oil, sustainably grown feedstock that is non GMO, no pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, organically grown whenever possible and deliver the biodiesel in trucks that run on biodiesel.

4. Support cooperative business models- Form relationships with growers, manufacturers, and distributors that support models of business that are equitable, transparent and cooperative and encourage consumer empowerment.

5. Price/value considerations- Price is always an important consideration but only after the previous priorities have been considered.

6. Consistency of supply- Although biodiesel is a renewable fuel, the capacity of supply is limited by the biological nature of its source. Adapting our energy use and expectations in balance with ecological systems and natural resource interdependency is essential for healthy coexistence and sustenance of life. Consistency of supply is only relevant in SBN buying practices as the ecological sustainability of the sources indicate. As the global petroleum reserves reach peak of production, a new awareness regarding consistency of supply will be upon us, if it isn't already.

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