Homebrew biodiesel workshop on June 15, 2007
Now is a good time to free yourself from petroleum dependency! Grassroots biodiesel maker Steve Bash will host a workshop on making your own biodiesel this Friday, June 15, from 1 to 5 p.m. at his home in Fair Oaks, CA. Attendees at the classroom-style workshop will:
--Witness first-hand the process of making a 40-gallon batch from start to finish. --Learn where & how to get all supplies needed. --Learn about collecting used cooking oil from restaurants. --Learn the process for testing the used oil for quality - titration --Learn water washing and fuel quality verification --Many insights and tricks to save you time and money --Books and videos will be available for sale, and much more.Attendees will be guided on how to make this vegetable-oil based fuel, which will run in any diesel engine. For several years Steve has made biodiesel in his garage from free used restaurant cooking oil to demonstrate that sustainable fuel options exist and can be implemented now. Steve says biodiesel is "grease for peace!" The cost of the class is $75, enrollment limited to 5 people. Please email Steve at steve@theinfoexchange.org for more info or to register and receive directions. Payment may be made by cash, Visa or Mastercard, or a check. (Credit card or check not processed until the day of the event.) Feel free to pass this on to others who may be interested! [Technorati tags: biodiesel, Sacramento]